WITHOUT HOLINESS WE WILL NOT SEE GOD I PART 01 02 PASTOR TÂNIA TEREZA Congratulations [Music] so good to be back here beautiful to see what God has been doing in these recent days and we can just expect what he's about to do and Through The Eyes of faith I can see the spread about of healing and deliverance throughout Brazil joy to be here also an honor to be here and please.


Bring back my Bible I'll need it this is my sword and it's an honor to be invited yet again for this event I'm realizing that in the current days there are only two elders traveling the world fighting against Satan Satan needs to take a beating and he needs to take a beating by this old.

Lady Yours Truly it's such an embarrassment for him well God chose me to do this seminar intensive seminar on Deliverance and healing 87th issue we've had silk the seminar four times in Europe we will have it again in November in Europe and we will have the very first issue of the seminar in October this.

Year this is 2023. it's beautiful to see that Pastor adeos report that a key that has been after he took he attended the seminar is it is proof of what God will be doing in the future well and I hear this in various Ministries a key has been turned and I believe that not because of me but because of God's grace God is so.

Generous in this grace and he has been unveiling the secrets of the spiritual World unto us pleased to be the dispensers of This Joy helium Deliverance is my very calling God has been calling me to do this for 40 years already this is my dream come true this is what I want to do to the very last day of my life the other day I was hearing the song the youth.

Were singing God I send you and I deliver I Surrender unto you my youth and what I have to say is that Lord I give you my old age it's what I have to give you and he has been using me to break down the Empire of Darkness so I need to start and I'm joyful I need to thank God for this opportunity to be here with you father praise be your name magnify to be your holy marvelous name.

Father I believe you have a plan beginning middle and end and I believe that at the very beginning of this work and deliverance and healing in Brazil voices has elapsed and has grown so much there's more to be done no eyes have seen or ears have heard but our hearts have never perceived of the greatness you have for your church you have guaranteed that your church would be victorious we just sang this the doors.

Of Hell will not Prevail against the church and we live that we believe in that we believe that the end of this story is having Satan locked down in a lake of fire throughout eternity and your children will be reigning with you Lord I believe in this there are some things I would like to touch on in the Bible and I asked all to my husband what should I touch on today and he said fatherhood but God gave me a.

Different prism we're children of God when we sing about this we're saying that word children of God we receive words of wisdom from him he came for his own but they didn't receive him but those who receive them he gave them the power to be children of God those who believe in his name Galatians 4. from verse but when the set time had fully come God sent his son born of a woman born under.

The law to redeem those under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship because you are his sons God's in his Spirit of his son into your hearts the spirit who calls out Abba Father so you are no longer a slave but God's child and since you are his child God has made you also an heir interesting because as we read the Bible we read well because you are children why didn't he say he has sent to your.

Heart maybe we have chosen to your hearts but Paul wrote this and he includes himself because we are children God has sent us my heart has a son your hearts as chosen the spirit who calls out Abba Father so you are no longer a slave but God's child I heard about this tremendous time you had my name is yesterday Pastor tanuti was ministering there was a little.

Blackout but that didn't hinder the fulfilling of the purpose of God and the spirit moved into here last night this is the spirit of the sun and the spirit of the son is the Holy Spirit the spirit of God the spirit of the sun it is very Spirit the Holy Spirit Galatians 4 from 4. but when that said time had fully come God sent his son born of a woman born.


    Under the law to redeem those under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship

    His arrival his crucifixion his Blessing on the cross had a very purpose be a job to their sons as children and because you are his sons God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts the spirit who calls out Abba Father so you are no longer a slave but God's child so there are a number of texts of verses that speak about sonship the number.

    Versus talking about the spirit of the sun there's a beautiful text where Jesus is going to Jerusalem and he's going to his crucifixion and he's planning to stop in Santa Maria and he asks foreign and he sent Messengers on ahead who went into the Samaritan Village to get things ready for him but the people there did not welcome him because he was heading.

    For Jerusalem when the disciples James and John saw this they asked Lord do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them but Jesus turned and rebuked them he said you do not know what Spirit you are of for the son of man has not come to destroy the lives of human beings but to save them what Spirit are you up if we are children of God what is the spirit killing in us we are children of God.

    This is what we manifest into the world and when we read about his coming Philippians that's Philippines starting from verse 5. we read the same mind to be with God is something to be exploited but emptied himself taking the form of a slave being born in human likeness and being found in human forms he humbled himself and became obedient.

    Obedient Immortal to the point of death even death on a cross therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Henry continues therefore my beloved just as you have always obeyed me not only in my presence but much more now in my absence working out develop.

    Work hours your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is at work in you you both to willing to work for his good pleasure to All Things without murmuring or arguing so that you may be blameless and innocent children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse Generations in which you shine like stars in the world.

    When Jesus speaks about himself he says I am the light of the world but in The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 14 we read you are the light of the world you are the light we read that his humiliation to death and death at the cross the blood that was shed that purchased us purchased people races ethnicities and Nations giving us the privilege of becoming.

    Children of God there's a purpose and it's such a purpose such a purpose is not only to block away the debts that we had not only to give us the Deeds to Eternity while we're in the world we should be light in the world light of the world the stars shining in the world of the world so that you might become unrecoachable and sincere children of.

    God and blemished look to your to the person next to you irreprinciple Frank sincere and unblemished without blemished to be the light of the world no repeat please sincere we need to be blameless innocent blemish to become a light in the midst of a perverse generation a light of the.

    World you become a child of God when you accepted Jesus

    At The Cross blood was shed blood is spiritual spiritual money those who who've been hit with a voodoo you know that blood from animals they buy the favor of demons well the blood of Jesus has purchased us it is written Worthy is a lamb to take the scroll and to open its.

    Seals for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransom for God's Saints from every tribe and language and people and nation and you have made them to be a kingdom and Priests serving our gods and they will reign on Earth and this speaks about the future of Eternity but before that happens there's a rule for each one of us until we reached that moment in which we will hear come the Blessed of my father to the kingdom that has been set aside for you since before the foundation of the world there's a long walk between the.

    Day we come to Christ and the day that the church will be raptured which will be the day of the resurrection of the dead and the day that we will rise with Jesus when Revelations about this moment I'm so fond of this federations Revelation 20 speak about judgments of those who are not children of those who have not had their names written in the Book of Life major courts in the heavens God is the.

    Righteous judge he's the lawmaker the Holy Spirit as the witness Jesus the attorney Satan the accuser the prosecutor those who are not children will have to undergo such trials those who are children have the Deeds the debts completely torn away there's no more condemnation for them Jesus did not come to judge them but to.

    Save them I have just read this in Luke 9. he said don't you know what Spirit you are of I have come to save the world I have come to save the world in Revelation 20 verse 11. John had a vision then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it the earth and the heaven fled from his presence and no place was found for them and I saw the dead Great and Small standing Before the.

    Throne and books were opened also another book was open to the Book of Life [Music] [Music] then death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire this is the second day.

    The Lake of Fire anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire there are two options in this very day there is one option for the children and another for the creatures who don't want to know no children of God well it's not everyone a child of God no well the fact is that when he resurrects from amongst.

    The dead he says to the disciples and Mark and he said to them go into all the world and proclaim the good news through the whole creation to All Creatures everyone's a creature creatures that are the Beloved of God they've been created by God to become children into all the world in proclaim the good news to the whole creation the one who believes and is baptized will be saved.

    Will become a child and those who do not believe will be condemned so go into all the world and proclaim the good news so is not everyone a child of God no everyone is a creature and the creatures that accept Jesus become the children of God but when that set time had fully come God sent his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship.

    Cross has this very purpose to bring us into sonship that's the purpose of the cross and whoever receives the cross receives Christ has their name writtens in The Book of Life there's no judgment for them and then verse 14 then death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire this is the second death of the Lake of Fire how come second death are there two deaths oh yes there's a first death everyone will experience.

    Body goes back to dust everyone will experience that no one has ever lived 120 years this day and age that's the first step we have just experienced a pandemic how many people have died how many people have had their bodies sent back to the Dust the first step is like going to sleep and waiting for the resurrection of the Dead everyone will resurrect when Jesus comes in his second coming.

    Everyone will leave their tombs and everyone will experience this very moment those who have their names written in the Book of Life the children of God those who received and accepted Jesus as the savior of their lives they're no longer creatures they will hear come the Blessed ones of my father to the kingdom that has been prepared since the foundation of the world to the Conqueror they will listen this very sentence.

    What if someone doesn't have their names written in the Book of Life they will experience second death and what is the second death it's the Eternal separation from God what is death after all separation from God well is that not just a coffin wreaths of flowers being buried no when the Bible says that in Adam everyone has sins and everyone has been made separate from the glory of God death is losing.

    The glory of God you've been made separate from something that you've used to have well Man was created in God's image and likeness you used to have the essence of God the DNA of God in him but because of sin they lost it a Reckless Love when deep down in sin comes back repents his brother is jealous because he was awarded a party and the father speaks to the older son your brother was dead he came back to life he was lost it was found well the father doesn't tell the.

    Older brother oh your brother backslid he said your brother was dead what because his wages of sin is death death is separation from God you lose God's DNA you lose that bond that connection that bond is broken the person now becomes a creature brings eats sleeps travels can do business can't even make money gets married children but there's no.

    Connection with God and those who do not have a connection with God will have to deal with the judgments will surrender everyone and I saw the dead Great and Small standing Before the Throne and the books were open also another book was open in The Book of Life and the dead were judged according to their works and who are the dead those who are separated from God who had the body sent back to dust but.

    Lived and died in Christ did not die because he was never separated from God he just took a nap if we die in Christ we end up just taking a nap we're sleeping and then the resurrection of the Dead we will open our eyes and we will see God's plan for the eternal life think about that child that snoozes on the sofa and then you bring the child to her room.

    He doesn't realize that you take out the shoes tucks them in and then when he wakes up he's elsewhere that will happen in the resurrection we go to sleep we lose this shell and we will resurrect we will wake up and if we do that having our names in the book of life because we received Jesus as the only one the only Lord and Savior there's no other there's only him as a lord and savior because.

    Only he paid with his own life to buy our lives to himself so that we would become children of God and we continue and anyone who knew whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire this is the second death to 13 and the Sea gave up the dead that were in it death and Hades gave up the dead that we're in them and all were judged according to what they had done.

    Judgment only for those who are not children a major Court will be set up and then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away and the sea was no more and I saw the holy city the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God prepared his right adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice coming from the throne saying the home of God is among Mortals he will dwell with them and they will be his peoples and God.

    Himself he will wipe every tear from their eyes death will be no more morning and crying and pain can be with no more for the first things and the one who was Seated on the throne see I am making all things new also he said write this for these words are trustworthy and true then he said to.

    Me it is I am the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end to the Thursday I will give water as a gift from the spring of the Water of Life those who conquer will inherit these things and I will be their God and they will be my children of God Eternal plan of God for humankind is to become a father as children he as father or he will give all these things.

    The Conqueror will be there as a child throughout eternity cowardly so those who are not conquerors they wouldn't be able to be with a father throughout eternity but as for the coward him the faithless the polluted the murders the fornicators the sorcerers the idolaters and all liars.

    Their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur which is the second death who is facing the second death those who are not conquerors those who are those who will not listen Come Those blessed are my father to the kingdom and worse prepared since the foundation of the world did not receive Jesus as a savior who.

    Did not become a child those who did not align themselves with the heavens and those who have not lived in this generation is who doesn't have the father's DNA but as for the Cowardly the faithless the pollution murders fornicators.

    Sorcerers idolaters and all liars the Conqueror these things in order to become present with the father throughout eternity as a child of God needs to conquer these things it's not enough just to raise your hand in the service to come up to the fronts and to assign.

    As a member of a church that's not enough the Conqueror needs to be cleansed whoever is in crisis a new creature or things have passed everything has been made Anew those in Christ are cleansed being in Christ is the very first step of a process it's a process that involves our entering into this space of childhood.

    Blameless undefiled in the midst of a corrupted generation you're not blameless in the first day password [Music] cleaning stuff filth from under the rug yes the Intensive seminar silk is exactly for this purpose to clean up all filled and those things those filthy Secrets hinder us from fullness of life well sin leads to death and we lost.

    God's DNA we have all sinned in we're deprived of God's glory God's glory is the essence of God and us the nature of God in us I hope oh my dear brothers and sisters so you're telling me that the day I accepted Christ I went up front did I not become a new creature no no you just started the process you found the way.

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